Weight loss pills and appetite suppressant medications are drugs like phentermine, adipex, bontril, qysmia (which is a new diet pill made from the combination of phentermine and topiramate) and belviq.
In my own personal opinion phentermine is the best weight loss appetite suppressant pill. It works very well at decreasing your appetite, controlling cravings and it even gives you a little boost of energy. If you live in Philadelphia you are quite fortunate because some of the best weight-loss doctors in the country our practicing the Philadelphia region.
Phentermine as an appetite suppressant medication is one of the most used medications for treating obesity and helping people lose weight. It’s also one of the original medications for helping people lose weight.
There have been other appetite suppressant medications and weight loss drugs developed over the past several years but even the ones that seem to be the most effective are combined with phentermine.
Such a drug is called Qysmia. Qysmia was originally called Qnexa and it was first approved by the FDA on 7/17/2012 to be used as a weight loss – treatment for treating obesity and was recommended to be used in conjunction with the proper nutrition plan and exercise program designed for weight loss.
Qysmia purchased at your local pharmacy can be quite expensive if you are buying the brand name and the problem is many insurance companies do not cover this type of medication. Even though you and I consider obesity and being overweight to be a health problem many of the insurance companies refuse to consider it as such and refuse to cover many of the weight-loss appetite suppressant medications.
The good thing is that Qysmia is a drug that is made from the combination of phentermine and topiramate and that both of these medications have a generic version. This means that you can purchase them from most Philadelphia medical weight loss programs for a much cheaper price than what you would be paying at your local pharmacy.
In our Philadelphia medical weight loss office if a person has hit a weight loss plateau when they are just taking the phentermine we will usually add to their regimen a dose of topiramate. And this seems to work quite well at controlling their appetite, decreasing their cravings and helping them continue to lose body fat.
So for most of the time our weight loss program will usually start people with phentermine because that seems to get the best results for losing weight initially and then if we hit a plateau and stop losing weight we can add additional medications to your protocol.
Because our protocol consists of taking weight loss medications, diet pills and appetite suppressant medications you need to come in and be evaluated by our medical doctor.
It’s impossible to purchase these types of medications online. So if you are looking for these weight loss pills and appetite suppressant medications online you will not find them.
If you go to a website and they say that they can send you these types of medications online it’s probably a scam. And you are going to be buying something that is not a real diet medication. I don’t know what you are buying but you are definitely not buying the weight loss pills and appetite suppressant medications that we will be giving you in our medical weight loss practice.
If you want to lose weight just make sure you see a real certified and licensed Medical Weight Loss Doctor.