Well it's Tuesday morning and it's time for me to get back on my weight loss diet plan. This weekend I did let myself go a little bit and take a little bit of a break.
Being very strict on your diet 7 days a week for each and every one of those twenty-four hours a day for a straight seven days can be difficult. And even though I have lost a tremendous amount of weight and people look at me and think that it's so easy for me, in reality it's not.
Because I have been eating a clean diet for so long I do not always get the cravings for the Cakes and Pastries and sweets like I did in the past. But at times of stress I always want to eat something that may not exactly be the best for me.
Of course I'm talking about something sweet like a candy bar or a scoop of ice cream. And let's not forget potato chips, pretzels and chocolate bars. Oops and I almost left out nachos, frozen yogurt and water ice. So even though I may not always physically crave unhealthy foods I do suffer from being a stress eater. When stress is high, that is when I crave the foods that are going to make me fat and even make my diabetes much worse.
And now that I finally am willing to admit that, I have realized that I now have to make an effort to reduce my levels of stress and strain. So I have started to implement some daily routines that will hopefully reduce my levels of stress during the day. One of the stress relievers that I have tried doing is meditation.
I have taken some classes on it and when I first took the classes I was really into it and I did it twice a day and 20 minutes for each of those sessions. And in the beginning when I first started I definitely set aside the time to do my morning and afternoon meditations. I did find my mood and attitude was much more relaxed and I was able to handle stressful situations much better. But I have to honestly tell you that finding two 20 minute sessions during the course of the day has become very difficult and I have stopped meditation.
And I do notice that my ability to cope with certain high pressure situations has taken a turn for the worse since I have stopped meditating. I also noticed that while I was meditating the dark bags that I had under my eyes totally disappeared the more I did my daily meditation. But since I have stopped meditating those bags have returned once again. So I am going to start meditating again! I am going to do a 20-minute session first thing in the morning and then I'm going to plan another 20 minutes meditation session sometime around lunch time.
One thing that I have to say is I am much more likely to do the meditation sessions if I scheduled them during the day. So just like I'm scheduling my consultations and appointments and therapy sessions with my clients and patients, I now schedule my meditation sessions in my appointment book. So I will let you know how this goes next week when I post again on the blog.